Blog Archive

Sunday, February 10, 2008



Anonymous said...

Great little video!
As always, Endtime Ministries provides the best in teaching and cutting edge information, and a wealth of it at that!
The Wendys are wonderful watchmen to the Christian community. Greatly needed in the times in which we live.
Now, a question: who out there believes the Rapture will occur in their lifetime?

David Howard said...

I believe it is highly likely and this seems to fit with all I know on the subject as well. But knowing our limitations and our propensity to get things wrong means I allow a margin of error in my judgement. One has only got to look at the last 30 years to see the incredible blunders and wild statements that anxious Christians and charlatans have made.
But in saying this, the times and events and flourishing of soothsayers may indicate also that the time is ripe. The timing of events is up to God. We can only watch and pray.
I must say though it is important to speak out about totalitarian regimes even if one's second coming warnings are out of whack, because political machinations are always at work to try and fleece our possessions and strip our freedoms.
Those who spoke out against National Socialism in Germany were wise and brave indeed.
In conclusion, based on extrapolative growth of systems, expanding population, potential environmental instability (it's logical limit) and the many biblical reasons, I would say I believe in the second coming, in my lifetime and in the near future. Otherwise, logically where will it all end and won't the prolonged return of Jesus mock all that we know about Bible prophecy and the times we live in - but this too has a way of shaking our ideas and testing our faith.
It is prudent to remain circumspect, less we become fools, but faithful in what we know to be true, unless we become tarnished and impacted by the world.

despatch said...

That is very true David...if anyone doubts the veracity of these comments, please access the FREE booklets on our website about the timing/immenence of the Rapture.
Purposeful & prayerful reading!

Anonymous said...

Hello Wendy,
I check your web site fairly often and appreciate the work you do in informing Christians and warning unsaved people. I just clicked onto your new blog. The You Tube video is fantastic. It's a reminder for true Christians that soon we're going to see our Lord and Saviour, and how exciting that is for us, but how terrible it will be for the unsaved. Thank you for your work. I will be checking your blog every day now. Thank you.
God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jillian,
We must ever live remembering that the Rapture can be anytime. Things are so bad in Australia now we do not know how long even the food will last, see latest Despatch which comes online end of Mar 2008. The NWO order now is really showing its hand...we need to pluck precious brands from the burning.

Jacqie said...

Hi Wendy,
God Bless whom ever made that video. A picture being worth a thousand words certainly pertains here. Very realistic portrayal of what could actually happen.
In todays news there was a very interesting story: "The Jewish people are offering courses, which are being attended by "tens of thousands" of young students, and include a "virtual tour" of the Temple Mount and explanations of daily Temple life, as well as the job of the kohanim (priests).
A brief course offered by the Chabad Hassidim about the Temple endangers the Aksa Mosque, Islamic Movement spokesman Zahi Nujidat said Tuesday.
The three-part seminar, comes less than two weeks before Tisha Be'av, which marks the destruction of the Temple." It's making the Arab public very nervous. But exciting to know that the temple being rebuilt is part of the end-times scenario!
"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:" 2Pe 1:19
God Bless,
PS- You'll be in my prayers(food shortages)